
Born: 17'th April '06
Dam: S*Milwaukee's High Praises DM, bluespotted
Sire: S*Ikimizi's King's Call, tawnyspotted

Theeme: Drinks/liqeur
Kahlúa is the only one with a name after a liqeur, the other has names after drinks :)

EC S*Junglespots Coronado DSM DVM, Tawnyspotted male
Stayed in the cattery.

SC S*Junglespots Copperino, Tawnyspotted male
Has moved to PL*Nitida and Kate :)

GIC S*Junglespots Kahlúa JW, Tawnyspotted female
Kahlúa is living in Gothenburg.

IC S*Junglespots Cantaloupe, Tawnyspotted female
Candy is now living with the Hoyk Family in Germany, DE*Ocicat Stars.