Gambling/sports-litter 2

Born: 10'th of Augusti 2012
CH S*Junglespots Play & Win, OCI b 24 X SC DK*Ųjenfryds Ehab 4 Junglespots DVM, OCI n 24

Theme: Gambling/sports-world
The little ones span upon their mothers name which also comes from the gambling/sports-world.

Mixed kittenpics

S*Junglespots Power Play, OCI b 24, female

S*Junglespots Wild Card 4 Rain Forest, OCI c 24, female
Has moved to Sam in Argentina.

S*Junglespots Uppercut, OCI n 24, male
Has moved to Russia

S*Junglespots Touchdown 4 Wild Rain, OCI b 24, male
Has moved to Carol & David in US

S*Junglespots Rebound, OCI b 24, male
Has moved to the Johnson-family.