
Born: 4'th of July 2013
Donna a. Kisdorf, OCI bs 24 X SC DK*Ųjenfryds Ehab 4 Junglespots DVM, OCI n 24

Theeme: USA
Because of the litters birthdate, 4'th of July, it was obious what the theeme should be :) 
They have names after the states and what the states also can be called.

S*Junglespots Iowa Hawkeye, OCI n 24, male
Has moved to Shinkara in Canada.

S*Junglespots Florida Sunshine, OCI n 24, female
Has moved to Olga in Russia.

S*Junglespots Kansas Sunflower, OCI a 24, female
Has moved to Fam. Fredriksson in Gothenburg.

S*Junglespots Montana Treasure, OCI b 24, male
Has moved to Agniezska in Poland.

S*Junglespots Show Me Missouri, OCI c 24, male
Has moved to Line in Norway.